Social Sport

Our Social Sport programme offers free, competitive sport that allows participants to play sport socially. You can represent your Department, Society and/or as a group of friends.

There are seven teams per league and each game is 35 minutes (17.5 minutes each way) with a 3 minute half time. All games are refereed.


  • Monday 8.30 pm - 9.20 pm
  • Monday 9.20 pm - 10.10 pm
  • Thursday 5.30 pm - 6.20 pm
  • Thursday 6.20 pm - 7.10 pm
  • Friday 5.00 pm - 5.50 pm
  • Friday 5.50 pm - 6.40 pm
  • Sunday 4.00 pm - 4.50 pm
  • Sunday 4.50 pm - 5.40 pm
  • Sunday 5.40 pm - 6.30 pm
  • Sunday 6.30 pm - 7.20 pm
  • Sunday 7.20 pm - 8.10 pm
  • Sunday 8.10 pm - 9.00 pm 

Free* to join, it is a great way of getting to know people, keeping fit and having a break from your academic studies.

*The leagues are free but each team is required to put down a £40 refundable deposit which will be returned as the league finishes, provided the team adheres to the league rules and policies. 


A: General

  1. Games will be 35 minutes in length (17.5 minutes per half)
    1. 3 minutes maximum half time
    2. If a game starts late, time should be taken off half lengths, or half time
    3. Please aim to be at the pitch for at least 15 minutes before the KO time
    4. Teams should aim to wear similar coloured kits; bibs can be provided
    5. Games are 6-a-side (However, may be 7-a-side if both teams agree)
      1. Teams can have a maximum of 10 players in each match squad
      2. Teams can only make substitutes when the ball is out of play and they are in possession
      3. Teams can have different players each week

2. If a team is consistently completely different each week, a note will be taken and discussed with all league coordinators  
3. Team sheets must be completed and put on the app by 5.00 pm at the latest on the day of the game
4. Every team member that plays must download the Lboro Comps app and join the team
5. Results of the game must be submitted in the app before the first game of the next week of fixtures start (e.g. Sunday results must be in before Sunday next week at 5.00 pm, Tuesday before 8.20 pm week after and so on) Failure to do so may lead to points deductions

6. All free-kicks are direct, and can be scored from

    1. Players must be 2 metres away from a free-kick
    2. There is no offside rule
    3. There are no sliding tackles

B: Disciplinary

  1. Abuse of any kind will not be tolerated by referees, any abuse will result in a straight red card
  2. Sliding tackles are banned from all matches
  3. There is no sin-bin, red cards are effective for the whole game
  4. Red cards will result in the player being reported to the student sport office and appropriate disciplinary action being taken
  5. All yellow and red cards are down to the referee’s discretion. Referees decision is final on all matters

C: Goalkeepers & The Area

  1. The goalkeeper is allowed outside his box
  2. The goalkeeper can kick, roll or throw the ball out from both open play and goal kicks
  3. Goalkeeper may handle any ball in the area, except pass backs from defenders
  4. Attacking outfield players may not enter the goalkeeper’s area and play the ball within the area, defending outfield players are not allowed in their own goalkeeper's area either. If the attacking player enters the goalkeeper's area it is a free kick to the defending team, if a defender enters their own area, it is a penalty
  5. If there is a free kick within 2 metres of the area, the wall will stand outside the area and the free kick will be taken at least 2 metres behind the place of the foul
  6. The dimensions of the area will be smaller to provide a better experience for players. (1m out wide of each goal post by 2 metres in front of the goal line)
    1. Goalkeepers should wear a bib or different coloured shirt to the rest of the team
  7. Goalkeepers are reminded that sliding challenges are banned


D: Attendance

1. If a team withdraws from a game a walkover score of 5-0 will be awarded against the team that doesn’t turn up.
2. Teams must give notice of their withdrawal from the match. The notice time was increased from 2 to 24 hours following participant feedback to make league running and organisation of friendlies smoother.
3. A team can inform the social league coordinator if they are unable to attend the match but it must be more than 24 hours in advance.
                                                      i.     After 3 informed walkovers the team will be removed from the league
4. Uninformed Walkovers: If teams do not inform the league coordinators of their non-attendance 24 hours prior to the game, they will lose your deposit.
                                                      i.     Teams will also be deducted 1 point per uniformed walkover
                                                     ii.     On the second occasion the team will be removed from the league
5. Teams should arrive on time but in the case of players running late the full team (6 players minimum) must be present 10 minutes after scheduled kick-off or an uninformed walkover is given

E: Penalties

  1. Goalkeepers must remain on their line for a penalty
  2. If there is no penalty spot marked on the pitch, the penalty will be taken 2 metres back from the edge of the penalty area
  3. Players must not take more than 1 step back when taking a penalty
  4. Players must ensure it is clear to the referee and the goalkeeper who is taking the penalty

F: Other

  1. When the ball leaves the field of play through either side of the pitch, a throw-in must restart play
  2. 3 points will be given for a win, 1 point for a draw and zero points for a loss
  3. If a team does not have a league fixture one week (through a team informing the league coordinators of their inability to play) then the coordinators will try to arrange a friendly fixture
  4. If a team cannot attend their game, they will automatically lose that fixture 5-0
  5. The nature of a small-sided football league means that teams often drop in/out at different points in the semester. Therefore players should be aware that new teams could enter a league at any point.
  6. Coordinators will do their best to provide referees by posting allocations in the Facebook page, but teams should be aware that this may not always be possible. Teams will be asked to provide a ref for one of the slots in their day. While in most cases it will be the immediate slot (before or after), some teams may be asked to do another session (Sundays especially) in order for the amount of games having to ref are fair to all. These teams that ref a slot not adjacent to theirs will ref less games overall in compensation. If a ref doesn’t show up, it is the responsibility of teams to provide an official to cover any matches necessary. Failure to provide refs consistently can lead to loss of deposits and removal from league

G. Deposits:

 Deposits to be given back at the end of the semester unless:

            a). There is verbal abuse to players/referees

            b). Players have been reported for malicious foul play

            c). Teams give an uninformed Walkover

            d). Teams arrive persistently late

            e). Teams fail to provide committed referees to officiate their appointed games 


Get involved

Sign-ups for Semester 1 will go live at 5.00 pm on Tuesday 1 October for Departments and Societies. For individuals or groups of friends, sign-ups will go live at 5.00 pm on Wednesday 2 October.

You will need to have downloaded the Lboro Sport app in order to play:

Lboro Sport on IOS (App Store) 

Lboro Sport on Android (Google Play) 

Sign up today