We are very mindful that some of our staff and student community will be feeling worried, distressed, and fearful about this. We know the support individuals require may be varied, but if you are finding the present situation difficult to deal with, please feel reassured that the University is here to help. We have a range of support services for both students and colleagues.
Student Support:
Student Services (Email: studentservices@lboro.ac.uk, Tel: 01509 222765) offer a range of support, including counselling, mental health and wellbeing, and advice specifically for international students. The Student Wellbeing and Inclusivity team run BAME-specific support groups for students which can be accessed via the referral form here. The team also runs Covid-19 support groups which you can sign up to here.
The Centre for Faith and Spirituality (Email: cfschaplains@lboro.ac.uk, Tel: 01509 223741) offers a space for reflection and has chaplains of various faiths.
You can contact your academic School and/or Personal Tutors if you feel that your studies are being affected so that we can provide the right support to you. You can also submit an individual Mitigating Circumstances claim if you wish to do so to explain how you have been impacted by recent events. More information on this can be found here.
Staff Support:
Should you need some time away, we would like to draw attention to our compassionate leave arrangements. We would like to ensure that colleagues are reminded of our specific policy related to race-based stress, which was developed last year after the Movement for Black Lives protests. This policy offers pre-approved compassionate leave for the reason of race-based stress.
Colleagues may also choose to access support through our Employee Assistance Programme. The Staff Counselling Service is also available to all University employees, giving you the opportunity to talk confidentially to a professionally trained person who is outside your immediate situation. More information on both of these services can be found on our website. BAME-specific counselling is also available to staff. To access this service, please email Diddy Elliot, Counselling Practice Lead d.elliott@lboro.ac.uk – all details will be kept confidential.