16 Jan 2020
Staff members at Loughborough encouraged to take part in ‘Brew Monday’
The University is backing a national campaign for colleagues to get together on 20 January to have a chat over a cuppa and turn ‘Blue Monday’ into ‘Brew Monday.’
Blue Monday is supposedly the lowest day of the year for people, with bills arriving after Christmas, dark nights and pay day yet to arrive, but the Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA) is aiming to address that by encouraging everyone to take time out of their day to talk with colleagues and friends over a cuppa.
The University’s Staff Lead for Mental Health Nadine Skinner commented: “We know that talking and asking for support is always the hardest step for those that need it for their mental health and wellbeing, so we’re delighted to support the ‘Brew Monday’ campaign.
“We hope that by encouraging colleagues to get involved, we can play our part in helping to break down the stigma associated with poor mental health. For too long, poor mental health has been a taboo subject that was avoided in conversation but campaigns like ‘Brew Monday’ can help bring it to the forefront.”
Staff are invited to drop into Room 1.01 in the Rutland Building anytime from 1pm–2.15pm on Monday 20 January for a drink and a chat or to find out about the various wellbeing activities and resources available.
Alternatively, staff are also encouraged to use this day as a reason to reach out and speak to their friends, family and colleagues who might be having a hard time.
Over 6,500 suicides were recorded across the UK in 2018. The ZSA has developed free online suicide prevention training, using the expertise of clinicians and the experience of those who have lived through suicide, using real-life scenarios to provide the skills to approach those in crisis.
On Monday 20 January, there will be an interactive group viewing of this training. There are 20 places available and the session will be from 2.45pm–3.30pm. If you would like to attend, please email Nadine at n.e.skinner@lboro.ac.uk to reserve your space.