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Hashtag Me icon - lighthouse

Don’t miss the 12-week wellbeing and resilience course run by students, for students

Hashtag Me is an external student support initiative developed by Loughborough School of Business and Enterprise alumna, Megan Gamble.

The programme involves meeting a small group of like-minded students for one hour per week. These #Me meetings provide an opportunity to discuss aspects of mental health and wellbeing, share common issues, implement healthy coping strategies and build resilience. You will be assigned a group when you register.

Feedback from students who have completed the course has been positive, with participants feeling part of a community, more confident and better equipped to handle difficult situations and emotions. You can read the student reviews here.

There will be three courses offered during the academic year with the first running 25 October-10 January. You can sign up for the first course 11-15 October.

If you are interested in participating in or facilitating one of the courses, you can sign up here.

 More information on the course is available here and if you have any questions you can email
