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A multi-colour, gradient background with the words 'Call for participants: Race Equality Focus Groups - Make the University a more diverse, equal and inclusive place by sharing your student experience'. Also includes the University logo, the LSU logo and the Race Equality Charter logo.

Call for participants: Student focus groups on Race Equality

The University is committed to eradicating racial inequality and creating an inclusive educational environment where everyone, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or national origin, can succeed.

Following on from the Loughborough University Student Survey on Race Equality, and as the next step in data collection for the Race Equality Charter, the Race Equality Action Group is organising focus groups to gain deeper insight into diverse students’ experiences of study and generate ideas for helping to eliminate racial discrimination at Loughborough.

We are seeking students across racial backgrounds at every level of study (UG/PGT/PGR), and aim to hold separate groups by race, as appropriate.

If you are interested in participating in a focus group, please complete the online form

If you would like to know more about our work on the Race Equality Charter please visit our dedicated webpage.
