Our people
Here is a listing of our people, you can search by their name or their research interests.
Sport and national identities, national identity and landscape, nationalism in Ireland and Scotland.

Media and migration, diaspora, (trans)national belonging, Indian nationalism and popular cinema, postcolonial studies.

Public attitudes to imperialism, decolonisation, migration, ‘race’ relations and Americanisation in twentieth-century Britain.

'Brits' in France; the French in the UK; cross-Channel migration; (Im)migration and the UK today; the EU and migration.

Literary nationalism in Ireland, particularly in relation to Yeats, Joyce, and 1886-1922.

Security, national identity; Otherness, threat in terrorism, extremism, radicalisation discourse; 'British values'; Banishment, outlawry, exclusion; Vernacular, experiences of citizenship.

Intersection of Architecture and Fear in post conflict zones. National Reconciliation. National Trauma.
Everyday peace, media industries, television studies, digital activism, journalism studies, Israel/Palestine.
Global cultural/creative industries, cultural policies, streaming media, television studies, and national identity.

Socialism and patriotism; transnationalism in anarchism; anarchism, nationalism, anti-militarism and war.
Post-Soviet Russian Anarchism, the National Question, National Liberation Movements, National Identity in the post-Soviet sphere, legitimacy of the Nation-State (as a political construct).

Inter-civilisational relations, Olympics and mega-events, migration, media and national identity, sport and development.

Media and nationalism, nationalism and globalization, religious nationalism, Eastern Europe.

Citizenship and identities, religion, gender, migration and ethnic relations, social movements, feminism, Norway, UK.
Theatre texts in national contexts, adaptation, translation and nation, Irish national identity, globalization.

National belonging, globalisation, sociology of everyday life, media events and rituals, mediatization, sport and discourse theory.

Japanese national identity construction; Construction of Japanese Self / Asian Otherness; the persistent myth of Japanese uniqueness.
Human displacement, Artistic representation of nationhood, War's impact on identity formation, Cross-Cultural perspectives, Aesthetics of national storytelling.

Racism and nationalism in the West, imperialism and modernity, intersectionalities with 'race', gender, and class, right-wing extremism.