Our videos
These videos show some of the online talks organised by LUNN as part of its regular seminar series.
'The Return of the Native'
Presented by Jan Willem Duyvendak. 11 December 2024. YouTube video
'Constructions of National Belonging among White British Middle-Class'
Presented by Dr Amy Clarke. 21 November 2024. YouTube video
'Constructions of National Belonging among White British Middle-Class'
Presented by Dr Amy Clarke. 21 November 2024. YouTube video
'National Boundaries and their Consequences for Immigrant Minorities'
Presented by Kristina Bakkær Simonsen. 23 October 2024. YouTube video
'Childhood and Nation'
Presented by Professor Zsuzsanna Millei, 24 April 2024. YouTube video
'Branding the Nation in the Era of Climate Crisis'
Presented by Melissa Aronczyk. 18 January 2024. YouTube video
'Varieties of Nationalism'
Presented by Maya Tudor and Harris Mylonas. 18 October 2023. YouTube video
White Nation and White Nationalism Today
Presented by Professor Ghassan Hage. 15 May 2023. YouTube video
Nationalism and Climate Change
Presented by Thomas Hylland Eriksen. 27 April 2023. YouTube video
Nationalism and Multiculturalism
Presented by Tariq Modood and Sivamohan Valluvan. Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN) conference organised by LUNN. 3-5 April 2023. YouTube video.
Heritage and Nationalism
Presented by Chiara Bonacchi 20 February 2023. YouTube video
Anarchism and the National Question
Presented by Ruth Kinna, José A Gutiérrez, Kenyon Zimmer, Matthew S Adams, Tom Goyens, Constance Bantman, Pietro di Paola and Ivanna Margarucci. 16 December 2022. YouTube Video
Everyday Nationhood Rewind
Presented by Jon Fox. 23 June 2022. YouTube video
Nationalism Studies – From the State of the Art to Future Challenges
Presented by Zsuzsa Csergő, Siniša Malešević and Umut Özkirimli. 16 February 2022. YouTube video
Beyond the Nation? Or Back to It? Current Trends in the Sociology of Nations and Nationalism
Presented by Daniel Chernilo. 17 June 2021. YouTube video
The nation in migration studies?
Presented by Marta Bivand Erdal in collaboration with the Centre for Research in Communication and Culture. 28 May 2021. YouTube video
Background to the idea of banal nationalism
Presented by Michael Billig. 27 May 2021. YouTube video
Race and Nation: Insights into European Racism from Italian Risorgimento
Presented by Edoardo M. Barsotti. 20 May 2021. YouTube video
'Right-wing Populism in the West: The New Nationalism Revisited'
Presented by Daphne Halikiopoulou in collaboration with the Centre for Research in Communication and Culture. 6 November 2021. YouTube video
'The Clamour of Nationalism'
Presented by Professor Sivamohan Valluvan in collaboration with the Centre for Research in Communication and Culture. 23 October 2020. YouTube video