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Graphic of hands shaking in front of a world wide web icon

Think before you link

Do you really know who you’ve connected with on social media?

Hostile actors and criminals may act anonymously or dishonestly online to try to connect with people with access to valuable and sensitive information. They may pose as recruiters, event organisers or potential collaborators. Protecting the integrity of your network is important to safeguard your reputation, the quality of your research and the intellectual property you generate. 

The National Protective Security Authority’s ‘Think Before You Link’ campaign and app share best practice, help to identify illegitimate profiles and guides you on how to report them.  

Find out more and download the app.  

While we may wish to publicise some of our collaborations or partnerships, you should be careful not to advertise any special access or security privileges you enjoy, as these make you a potential target.  

Learn more about the University’s approach to Safer Partnerships and Trusted Research.  

If you have any questions, please email  
