This forum – which all staff are welcome to attend - is a great opportunity to reflect on our achievements and performance during the 2023/24 academic year so far, to hear an update on our University Strategy and to discuss what will be happening over the next few months. Professor Jennings will also share important updates as well as lead a Q&A session with other representatives of the Senior Leadership team.
Additionally, this General Assembly will have a focused theme around ‘Research and Innovation’. Attendees will receive a presentation detailing the launch of the new Research and Innovation Core Plan. Professor Dan Parsons (Pro Vice-Chancellor of Research and Innovation) and Jenni Johnson (Director of Research and Innovation) will talk about the new plan and how it builds out the ambitions of the 2030 Strategy and how it will be delivered together across the teams in different roles and services across the University.
General Assembly will take place from 2pm-3pm in Room EHB110A/B in the Edward Herbert Building on the East Midlands campus. Find out accessibility information about this building.
Whilst we encourage staff to join in person, the event can be accessed online via MS Teams, with live captions available.
Please note we will be offering colleagues the opportunity to submit questions before the date and during the event. More information on this will be provided soon.