Current Students and Staff

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Upcoming opportunities to be part of the Collective Anti-Racist Efforts initiative at Loughborough

Since November, the CARE (Collective Anti-Racist Efforts) project – led by the BAME Staff Network – has been running a Listening Campaign to support bringing the University’s commitment to the Race Equality Charter and the Race Equity Strategy into the wider community.

Illustration with purple background and fists raised in the area

Image credit: Iman Khan

The University is keen to hear from its community about how it can make meaningful changes to the way it thinks about and deals with race at Loughborough.  

To support this, there are two types of listening activities available: a group meeting (also known as a ‘house meeting) and 1-to-1 conversations.  

In the house meetings, all attendees will be given the chance to provide a two-minute response to the following question: “What do you think might make challenging racism difficult at Loughborough?” 

For the 1-to-1 conversations, you can discuss your thoughts in-depth regarding race equality and the Race Equality Charter (REC) at the University. 

Please note any input provided at either type of meeting will be collated but recorded anonymously, although within the house meetings you will be identifiable to others taking part in the same session as you. Notes taken will then be fed into a series of workshops and assemblies with the University’s Leadership team to look at how to move the LU Race Equity Strategy forward.  

If you would like to take part in either of the listening activities, please sign up here. 

In addition to this, there will be three events taking place in February and March to identify the key issues raised by staff and students across both campuses which if challenged could make a meaningful change to the ways we think about and deal with race. All of the events will have an online attendance option. For further information on dates and to book your place, click here.  
