Dealing with issues

Whilst understanding the need to ensure we are fair and assess suitability based on ‘role’ rather than the individual's personal circumstances, how do we deal with situations where the role suits dynamic working, but the individual does not, e.g. home circumstances - dogs, children, home environment unsuitable? 

Managers should make clear in their initial discussions with team members that in order to work dynamically the staff member will need to have an appropriate remote environment in which to work and that attempting to work while simultaneously caring for dependants for example is not permitted. If a manager  discovers that a team member is operating in this way, the  HR Partner can assist in  dealing with this situation.

Will there be an appeals process for staff who disagree?  

No. Employees are encouraged to work with their manager to seek a suitable compromise. If they are unable to agree a pattern that they are happy with they may escalate the matter or to speak to their HR Partner.

How do we deal with people who may be unhappy to give up their own desks? 

It is important that managers make it clear to team members that as Dynamic Working is implemented, that this is a potential outcome. If someone expresses concern about giving up their desk managers should discuss this with them in the first instance to understand their reasons. Managers could explain that Dynamic Working has significant benefits but comes with increased costs to the University at a time when we need to reduce our cost base. More importantly though might be the wider drivers for Dynamic Working which include needing to become more sustainable, reducing our estate footprint and meeting our carbon reduction obligations. Staff sharing desks as part of Dynamic Working will help to achieve this.  Staff have the option of declining the opportunity of undertaking Dynamic Working if they wish to retain their desks.

How should I respond to a situation where an employee is not performing optimally through Dynamic Working? 

Normal performance management arrangements would apply. If the under-performance is related to Dynamic Working, then Dynamic Working arrangements can be withdrawn.