Parking FAQs
Our parking system is provided by APCOA and uses ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) technology to charge and enforce parking upon the University's campus.
Below are some general frequently asked questions. FAQs for different user groups are detailed on their specific webpage linked on the right hand side.
Frequently asked questions
Will I need to display a permit in my vehicle?
No. The ANPR system will allow us to check whether your vehicle is registered.
What will happen if vehicles breach the parking conditions on campus?
PCNs (Penalty Charge Notices) are issued when a breach of the parking terms and conditions occurs.
The University manages manual enforcement through its own Traffic Officers. The ANPR cameras automatically send PCNs to vehicles that have entered the campus but do not have a valid permit or have failed to register as a visitor through the systems provided.
The University's contracted enforcement agency, APCOA Parking, assume responsibility for the collection of monies owed. If a PCN remains unpaid, APCOA Parking will reserve the right to take legal action to recover outstanding charges.
Breach of parking terms and conditions include:
- Causing an obstruction
- Exceeds maximum stay/wait time
- Failure to display a Blue Badge
- Incorrect use of parking bays
- No valid permit
- Not parked within a marked bay/within bay markings
- Parked in a restricted area
- Parked on grass, verge or footpath
- Parking session expired
- Unauthorised parking
- Parking in a loading bay
- Parking in a hatched area
What happens to the revenue from parking?
Car parking revenue is directly reinvested into improving car parking and transport infrastructure to improve the experience for everyone on campus. We also subsidise public transport services to and across campus to improve connectivity and quality for students and staff.
We have bench marked our charges against other universities and remain one of the lowest in the sector. We have also set the prices at the lowest possible levels for Parking Charge Notices.
Can I bring my motorcycle onto campus?
Motorcycles should be registered on the parking system and will be free of charge to park on campus. The parking terms and conditions apply to motorcycles, therefore parking charge notices (PCNs) can be issued if breaches occur.
Car Parking GDPR Policy
APCOA needs to collect and use certain types of information about staff, clients, customers, and other individuals with whom it comes into contact or with whom it interacts. In addition, it may be required by law to collect and use certain types of information to comply with statutory obligations of Central and Local Government Authorities, government agencies and other bodies. This personal information must be dealt with properly no matter how it is collected, recorded, and used - whether on paper, in a computer, on a handheld device or recorded in some other manner.
There are safeguards to ensure this within the Data Protection Legislation and full details on are given here
Delivery Drivers
Delivery drivers are granted a 30-minute grace period for drop-offs and collections. Beyond this time, drivers are required to register their vehicles at either the East or West Security office upon entering the University. Failure to register may result in the issuance of a Parking Charge Notice (PCN).
I have a question that is not answered here – who can I contact?
For further enquires please contact