Staff FAQs

How do I change my vehicle details?

You can update your vehicle details on the parking system. If you have a permit - log in and click on the payment history tile and you’ll then see the option to change the vehicle associated with your permit. If you use autopay – log in and click the manage vehicles tile. 

Here is the link to login

My payment card has expired, what do I do?

You can update your card details by clicking on the Set-up Autopay tile once logged in to your account. 

How do I cancel my monthly permit? Grades 1-3 only

Log into the parking system and click on “Payment History”. From here, select Season Tickets and click the permit you wish to cancel. 

My staff grade isn't showing when I register on the system

Please try logging out and back into the system. If you’re a new starter, you may need to do this a day or two after you’ve received your credentials. 

I've changed grade and I'm on a new parking tariff, will I be charged automatically?

Your parking account is linked to your University credentials so you will need to log into the parking system for your parking tariff to update.

I am a new starter, do I need to register for parking before my first day?

New starters will need to register for parking once they are in post. On your first day, please report to one of the security huts using the visitor lane when entering the campus. Security will then exempt you from parking charges for the day. When you have received your credentials from IT you can register on the parking portal. 

I am leaving the University, do I need to do anything?

Please log into the parking system to remove your payment and vehicle details. This must be done within 30 days of your last day as you will not have access to your University credentials after this. 

If I have parked during the day, will the daily charge cover me for the evening?

Yes, if you have parked during the day, the daily rate will also cover you for the evening.  

What do I do if I have to leave my car on campus overnight?

Users will pay for parking 00:00 – 23:59 weekdays up to the standard daily rate. Saturday and Sunday parking will be free of charge. 

Will I be charged more than once if I leave and then return to campus within a day?

Charges are capped at the daily rate. Users staying on campus for up to 5 hours will be charged the half day rate and should they return to campus, will be charged the remaining amount up to the daily cap (eg a grade 4 to 5 will see one charge of 25p and a second of 20p). 

What if someone just drops me off or picks me up from campus – will they have to pay?

There is a 30-minute grace period to allow people to drop off, pick up or to read the parking signage and depart if they do not agree to the conditions.  

Do car parking charges also apply at the weekends?

Registered staff, Researchers and Campus Partners can park free of charge during weekends. 

What is the registration process for hire vehicles?

Vehicles hired via the University through Enterprise will be shared directly with the Parking Team who will exempt them from parking charges. Please note, this excludes vehicles hired through Enterprise Flex-E rent.

Vehicles hired via the University through Enterprise Flex-E or any other vehicle hire company will need their registration details shared with the parking team by emailing

Personal hire vehicles will need to be added to the individual staff member’s parking account (see FAQ “How do I change my vehicle details” for information on how to do this) and will be charged at the appropriate daily rate. Please ensure the vehicle is removed from your account at the end of the hire period to avoid any excessive parking charges. The parking team will not issue refunds in these instances.

Why is a Monthly permit not available?

The Staff monthly permit option has been removed due to a very low percentage choosing this option. 

Daily charging can be set up by choosing the autopay option. Details are on the staff parking page.

I have a question that is not answered here - who can I contact?

For further enquries please contact