Staff parking

Staff parking charges are Monday to Friday based upon pay grade. Please see below for more information.

Free parking

  • Grades 1 to 3 - There is no parking charge for staff grades 1 – 3.

Daily charging

A charge will be deducted after each parking session. A session will fall between 00:00 and 23:59 Monday to Friday.

  • Grades 4 to 5 - 25p up to 5 hours / 45p over 5 hours. Charge capped at £1.92 per week.
  • Grades 6 to 7 - 40p up to 5 hours / 80p over 5 hours. Charge capped at £3.39 per week.
  • Grades 8 and above - 70p up to 5 hours / £1.35 over 5 hours. Charge capped at £5.77 per week.

Registration process

Setting up free parking (grades 1-3 only)

  • Step 1: Visit the Loughborough University Apcoa website.
  • Step 2: Choose ‘Loughborough University Login’.
  • Step 3: Login using your university credentials. Please note: If you login off campus, you will need access to the VPN and will be required to use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
  • Step 4: Choose ‘Blue Badge Holders and Permits’.
  • Step 5: Choose ‘Select Monthly’.
  • Step 6: Select ‘Add vehicle’ and complete your vehicle details.
  • Step 7: If you wish to set your permit to renew automatically, please tick the required box to set this status.
  • Step 8: Confirm terms and conditions are understood.
  • Step 9: Select ‘Validate Permit’.


Setting up daily charging

  • Step 1: Visit the Loughborough University Apcoa website.
  • Step 2: Choose ‘Loughborough University Login’.
  • Step 3: Login using your university credentials. Please note: If you login off campus, you will need access to the VPN and will be required to use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
  • Step 4: Choose ‘Set Up Autopay’.
  • Step 5: Select ‘Add Payment Method’.
  • Step 6: Confirm you have read and understood the terms and conditions.
  • Step 7: Add your payment details. Please note: your bank may require you to verify the transaction. This a one-off process and adds a further layer of security to the process.
  • Step 8: Select ‘Manage Vehicles’ and then ‘Add Vehicle’ and input your vehicle registration number.

On completion, there is no email confirmation or finish to the process. Once you have added your vehicle and card details, please just exit the system.

Once those steps are complete you have finished setting up your account. You will be charged on a pay per use tariff rate.

Agency staff parking charge

A charge of 45p is applicable via a discount code. Contact the Parking team for full details.  The code can be used online through ScanPay or Prebook payment.

Codes are refreshed every 3 months.

Hall Wardens

Each hall Warden has access to an online portal to manage the vehicle registrations for themselves, their visitors, Sub wardens and one committee member.