Furniture and Domestic Services

Furniture and Domestic Services consist of an in-house hardworking, motivated and efficient workforce of over 170 dedicated staff to provide a range of essential services across all administrative and academic buildings contributing towards creating a secure, clean and comfortable environment in which to work, study and relax.
The range of services includes:
Domestic Services
- Cleaning of administrative and academic buildings
- Caretaking for the upkeep and security of the building
- Waste management, confidential waste and external litter pickers
Contract management
- Window cleaning
- Sanitary hygiene provision
- Laundry Services
- Furniture removals and minor installation
- Upcycling of second hand furniture, supporting recycling and reuse initiatives.
- Flooring installation and replacement
- Window dressing installation
- Relocations and internal moves
- Purchase of furniture using NEUPC framework agreement
- Design and advice service for furniture.
Additional services by arrangement
- Shampooing of carpets
- Cleaning of white goods
- Additional cleaning
- Additional cleaning during evenings & weekends
- Hire of tables, poster boards and chairs for events and conferences
- Graduation, exams and conference set up