Information for Students
Your starting point for graduation-related information.
Familiarise yourself with the proceedings and processes of Graduation.
Graduation Overview
When and where will my ceremony be held?
The summer graduation ceremonies will take place in the Sir David Wallace Sports Hall at the Loughborough campus from Tuesday 15 till Friday 18 July 2025.
The exact dates and times for each ceremony can be found on the Ceremony Dates page.
What format will the day take?
Graduands will register and collect academic dress before proceeding to the ceremony. The ceremony is expected to last for 60 - 90 minutes. Official photography and souvenirs will be available on the day.
How much does graduation cost and do I have to wear a robe?
Attendance at the graduation ceremony itself does not cost you or your guests anything. However, you cannot graduate unless you are wearing the appropriate academic dress (gown, hood and cap). The University's official academic dress supplier and designer for the specific robes and hoods for each Loughborough University award is Ede & Ravenscroft. Further information on gown hire or purchase can be found on the Academic Dress page.
Clothing underneath the gown should be smart and in keeping with the formality of the event.
Can assistance be provided to graduands/guests with additional requirements?
We endeavour to accommodate the needs of all graduands and guests with additional needs where practicable. All venues and the stage are accessible to wheelchair users and if you require additional support, for example assistance to cross the stage, please let us know by completing the relevant section in the booking form. If your circumstances change once booking has closed, email Student Records & Operations.
Additional accessibility information for the Loughborough campus - e.g. the locations of building entrances, accessable toilets, lifts/stairs and parking can also be found on the AccessAble app or website.
Eligibility to graduate
How do I know if I'm eligible to graduate?
Students who are eligible to graduate and who have completed or are nearing the completion of their programme will receive an invitation email from the Graduation Office in May (for the July ceremonies) or in November (for the December ceremonies). If booking has opened but you have not received an email and you believe that you are eligible to graduate, please contact Student Records & Operations.
The email will contain details of arrangements for the graduation ceremonies including a link to the online reply form which must be completed even if you do not plan to attend your graduation ceremony.
In order to graduate in person or in absentia, you must have successfully completed your programme of study and settled your student account by the published deadline. Please note that your results will not be published until all academic fees have been paid.
I am not sure if I have any debts outstanding to the University - should I check?
Please check with the Finance Office on +44 (0)1509 223538 and the Library on +44 (0)1509 222353 to make sure your account is clear.
For information about how to pay your outstanding fees, please refer to the Finance Office website.
Should I wait to find out if I have passed before booking to attend?
No. It is very important that you reply to us before the deadline indicated in the invitation email. If you do not reply before this date we cannot guarantee you a place in the ceremony.
What should I do if I have not received an invitation?
Please ensure you meet the eligibility criteria stated in FAQ above 'How do I know if I'm eligible to graduate?'. If you are eligible then please contact the Graduation Office.
What happens if I have submitted an appeal?
You should still complete and return your reply form so that we know you are planning to attend.
Normally the timescales involved are very tight and it is rare for appeals to be fully resolved ahead of the degree ceremonies. Therefore, if your appeal is regarding your degree classification, then we recommend you attend your ceremony. You should note that this will not prejudice the consideration of your appeal.
If your appeal is subsequently upheld and results in a change to your degree classification you will be issued with an updated transcript and certificate. Should you wish to attend another degree ceremony you will be permitted to do so - please contact Student Records & Operations to make the necessary arrangements.
What is the deadline for my results to be published in order to graduate?
In order for your award to be conferred in December 2024 and your certificate issued, your results must be published by Wednesday 27 November 2024.
If you have any outstanding academic fees (including tuition fees and reassessment fees), these must be paid before your results are released.
This deadline applies regardless of whether or not you choose to attend the graduation ceremony.
Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate students:
Your results will be published online at two days after your programme board. If this page states that your results have not been published because your balance is not clear, then you must contact the Finance Office immediately to make payment.
Doctoral Researchers:
Please contact the Doctoral College Office if you are unsure whether or not your results have been published.
Attendance and Booking
What is the deadline for booking my place?
Bookings will close on Friday 22 November 2024. If you have missed the deadline and wish to attend, please Student Records & Operations immediately on +44(0)1509 222491. Whilst we will endeavour to accommodate late requests, please note that we cannot guarantee a place in the ceremony to students who miss this deadline.
If you do not respond to the booking invitation, but your results are released by the published deadline, your award will automatically be conferred in absentia and your certificate will be available for collection or postage.
Can I defer my attendance at graduation?
Yes; you will have the opportunity to defer your graduation up to two times. You should select this option in the booking form.
If you defer to July 2025, your certificate will show the date of the July 2025 ceremony and will not be available until July 2025. If you require evidence that you have obtained your award, you may request an interim transcript or award letter from
How many guests can I bring?
All graduands who book by the published deadline are guaranteed two guest tickets. Depending on the size of the ceremony, it may be possible to book more tickets from the outset. After booking has closed, the availability of any additional tickets and the process for requesting them will be confirmed. Additional tickets will then be released on a first-come-first-served basis. We will do our best to accommodate all requests for additional tickets, but the sizes of ceremonies vary.
All ceremonies will also be broadcast online for guests who are unable to attend in person.
There is no charge for guest tickets. Guest seating is unallocated.
Can children attend the ceremony?
Children of all ages are welcome to attend the ceremony but must have their own guest ticket.
My guests or I require a letter to support a visa application; what should I do?
The University is unable to provide invitation letters for guests. However, you may request written confirmation that you are due to attend the ceremony with up to two guests from Student Records & Operations UK-based graduands may wish to provide their own invitation letters for guests’ visa applications.
For more information on visas, please see the Student Advice and Support Service website.
Certificates and Programmes
How will my name appear on my certificate?
Your certificate is a formal record of your award and, as such, we prefer to use the official version of your name for graduation purposes.
Your name will appear in the ceremony programme, your certificate and transcript in the form 'first name(s) surname / family name' (Titles and other awards are not included). If your full name follows a different convention, or you need to make any other changes to your name, please complete a Name Change form and email it with supporting evidence (e.g. passport or marriage certificate) to Changes cannot be made after the production of your certificate.
- Name Change form (Word .docx)
Please use this form if you need to change your name so it will appear correctly on your certificate and transcript.
When will I get my certificate?
If you are attending graduation, your certificate and, if applicable, your transcript will be presented to you during the ceremony.
If you are not attending the ceremony, you can either collect your documents from the Rutland Building (Loughborough campus) or pay for postage via the online store. If you would like to arrange a courier at your own expense, or nominate someone to collect your certificate, please email with the details.
Further information can be found on the Certificates and Transcripts webpage.
Will my name appear in the graduation programme (brochure) and elsewhere?
A programme (brochure) is produced for each graduation ceremony and lists the following details for students who are attending the ceremony or graduating in absentia:
- First name and surname
- Award (e.g. MSc, BEng), degree title and classification
When you respond to the booking invitation, you will be asked to confirm whether you consent to sharing your personal details for use in graduation promotional materials. Providing your award is confirmed by the published deadline, if you select yes, your details will be published in the programme. Your first name, surname and Loughborough School will also be printed on Campus Clothing products (e.g. hoodies). Details of your qualification will not be shared with Campus Clothing.
If you opt not to share your personal data, your details will not appear in the programme and your details will not be passed onto Campus Clothing.
Please note that it is not possible to reprint copies of the programme to add or remove students who change their mind prior to the programme being finalised, or whose award is confirmed after the published deadline (e.g. because of an outstanding academic balance, or late completion of a PhD). Please think carefully about your choice and, if appropriate, discuss it with your guests to avoid disappointment.
Further information on how your data will be used is provided on the Student Graduation Data page.
Accommodation, photography and souvenirs
Is accommodation available on the Loughborough campus?
Yes, rooms are available on or near campus within the University’s hotels. Alternatively, there are a number of hotels within the town centre.
Will graduation photography be available?
Our official photographers, Tempest, will be providing graduation photography for graduands and their allocated guests throughout the day. Booking is not required.
Will souvenirs be available?
A range of official Loughborough University souvenirs will be on sale. Campus Clothing will be on site selling a range of souvenirs, including Class of 2023 hoodies, t-shirts and mugs.
Exceptional Circumstances
Could my ceremony be relocated, postponed or cancelled in exceptional circumstances beyond the University’s control?
If Loughborough University’s graduation ceremonies need to be postponed or relocated, or cannot take place as planned due to circumstances beyond the University’s control, the Graduation Office will notify all graduands at the earliest possible time and publish notice of the position online.
We regret that Loughborough University cannot be held responsible for any loss or additional expense incurred by graduands or guests arising from the postponement, cancellation or relocation of its graduation ceremonies due to circumstances beyond the University’s control. Such circumstances may include, but are not limited to, fire, flood, natural disaster, explosion, terrorist act (or threat of a terrorist act), epidemic or pandemic, period of national mourning, industrial action, or dispute involving the University or graduation venue. Graduands and guests should ensure that they have adequate insurance protection to cover any losses which could be incurred in such circumstances including, but not limited to, travel and accommodation costs.