Closure of University Road outside Schofield (005) and Haslegrave (013) Buildings.

Posted: 25 April 2024

Description of the works

As our previous Notice of Works this covers the installation of a new transformer to serve the Haslegrave Building. New cables must be installed under ground from Schofield Sub Station 21 up to the Haslegrave Generator House located on Car Park 23a.
Excavations have already started on Car Park 23a and just outside of Schofield Sub Station as with little disruption experienced by the Campus Staff and Visitors.

However, after meetings we have come to the following agreement for the closure of University Road between Schofield and Haslegrave Buildings to allow the trenches to be installed which will allow the new cabling to be installed.
Attached to the campus wide email is a ‘drawing’ indicating the route of the road closure and diversion which will start at the T Junction at the bottom of University Road hill where all vehicular traffic will be diverted along Margaret Keay Road in front of Schofield Building, around the back of Geography and up to the crossroads where the Bridgeman Building is located. At this point, the diversion will end.

Due to the width of the road between Geography Building and Car Park 5 temporary traffic lights will have to be set up to allow buses and lorries to get through this section of the diversion, please be considerate and patient through the whole of the diversion.

Note, we have kept access down to the Cricket Centre and Car Park 19 open (serving Schofield and Wavy Top)
This Diversion will be in place from bank holiday Monday 6 May through to end of Friday 24 May 2024 which will mean the road is open for the Cycle Race on 27 May.

Pedestrian and Disabled Access will be accessible throughout the works. It may be necessary to divert slightly across the Haslegrave terrace which will be accessible by two ramps and a set of steps. The contractors doing the works will be on hand during the week should there be any issues.

I thank you all in advance for your cooperation during these works. We have considered all options and best dates to cause the least impact on university operations. If you have any concerns, please contact Ian Litchfield.


Works to start on (bank holiday) Monday 6 May with completion expected Friday 24 May 2024

How can I get more information and help?

The Estates and Facilities Management team member looking after the task is detailed below and can be contacted about any difficulties experienced as a result of these works.

Ian Litchfield, - Electrical Engineer 
Mobile:  07966874343 
