Hall regulations

So that everyone can enjoy their time in halls of residence, we have some regulations that we ask you to follow to ensure the safety of our community.

What not to bring

To maintain your safety there are a number of items that are not allowed in your accommodation.

  • Chip pans and deep fat fryers
  • Personal heaters
  • Kettles
  • Rice cookers (if they do not display the CE Kite mark on the cable or plug)
  • Indoor BBQ trays  
  • Electric blankets
  • Candles or incense sticks
  • Clip-on desk lights
  • Cube plug adaptors
  • Refrigerators (unless for medical use, subject to prior approval and supplied by the university)
  • Pets
  • E-Scooters
  • Electronic diffusers
  • Extra furniture
  • Fire arms
  • Fireworks
  • Door wedges - wedging of doors is not permitted in any area
  • Needles for recreational use (hobbies or sports)

If these items are brought into the University your Hall Manager or Warden will ask you to remove them. If there are other items not listed but considered as dangerous, these too will be confiscated.

Personal electrical equipment

Personal electrical items should conform to European Standards and display the CE Kite mark on the cable or plug. All electrical equipment must be in good working order.

Students should not trail cables from personal equipment across the floor as these could cause a trip hazard.

Please DO NOT Use plugs that are not UK 3 pin. Any equipment/device brought on to Campus must be constructed and operate to current British Standards.

We provide a portable appliance testing (PAT) service if requested. Please contact your Hall reception if you require this service.

You must purchase an adapter to enable using your equipment in the UK. Any appliances that may be causing problems such as circuit tripping will be PAT tested and if found to be unsafe will be removed.

Hall damages

Living in a community brings its own challenges, and at times accidents can happen. We expect general wear and tear, but we ask everyone to take responsibility for their own area and to treat it with respect as you would your own home.

If an incident or accident happens report it as soon as possible to your Hall Manager and/or Hall Warden. The earlier they are informed the more they can assist you.

Charges will be made for all damages and if they cannot be attributed to individuals the flat or block may be charged.


Students are reminded that possession of illegal substances is a criminal offence and possession with intent to supply is a more serious offence. Students found to be using, or in possession of, or knowingly allowing any illegal substance, including cannabis, in their halls of residence are in contravention of their Licence Terms and Conditions (clauses 7.1.1, 17 and 21.18).

Breach of these clauses will be dealt with under the University’s Disciplinary regulations and your Licence may be terminated by the University.


  • No smoking is permitted in any University building.
  • No smoking within three metres of any building especially windows and doors.
  • No smoking on campus includes electronic cigarettes (E-cigs). This includes any style of smoking pipes including shisha pipes.

Certain external areas of the campus are no smoking and further details can be found in the University's Smoking policy.


It is against University regulations to bring or have pets in your accommodation on campus, except guide dogs. If any are found you will be asked to remove them.