For activities that through working together (internally), have delivered significant improvements within the University, in line with our values.
Joint winners
Student Finance PMB
The delivery of the student finance project is probably the single most effective Professional Services (PS) project I have seen in my time at Loughborough. Our student finance system was plagued with poor information and data architecture that led to confusing information for students.
The project has reduced debt by £10m, brought forward £13m of cash and launched a new online payment platform which improves payment security for both students and the University.
‘Progress With Purpose’ Launch Team
On May 2nd 2023, Loughborough Business School (LB) was internally launched, at an event attended by over 100 members of the Loughborough family. This was a truly momentous day for the school and University and saw the launch of our new 'Progress with Purpose' (PwP) strategy.
The launch was the culmination of over 15 months’ work, to develop a strategy, name and brand signature that aligned to the University strategy. The team has been adventurous and courageous in its approach. Together, we have overcome obstacles, remained authentic and honest in our beliefs, to deliver the best name, strategy, brand signature (and colour scheme) for LB.

Matt Youngs
In his role as the Celebration and Awareness Lead for the LGBT+ Staff Network, Matt has embodied the value of togetherness in all his work. In this role, Matt has worked with colleagues across the University, Students' Union, alumni, and campus partners, to facilitate campaigns and events to promote diversity and inclusion in relation to LGBT+ people and rights.
Examples of his work are plentiful: for instance he led the Network's organisation and hosted alumus Babak Erfani MBE as part of the Voices of Diversity Series. Matt does all his work unassumingly, with a smile, incredibly efficiently and competently, and always has time for everyone.
Professional Services Moves Team (Project Workplace)
This group of people do not typically work TOGETHER on a day to day basis, but came together to deliver changes that have impacted significantly on our ability to re-purpose space across Rutland, Hazlerigg and the wider campus to help realise our space utilisation objectives.
This nomination wishes to recognise the work of the implementation cross-service project team consisting of members from the Change Team, FM, IT, Finance, and in addition to acknowledge each of the teams affected by the moves who engaged professionally with the changes, releasing space for students and new priorities set out in the Strategic Plan.