2021 seminars
Nanoelectronics in 2D
Quantum thermometry in action: Enhanced release–recapture thermometry in ultracold gases
High-pressure electrical and thermal properties in MnSi
Magnetism and spin dynamics control by carrier doping in van der Waals magnet Cr2Ge2Te6 - CANCELLED
Higher order van Hove singularities in two-dimensional bands
From topological magnetism to topological superconductivity
The Stress-Induced Lifshitz Transition in Sr2RuO4
Mars Sample Return and the Double Walled Isolator
Superconducting pure spin currents generated via spin-orbit coupling
Nanoscale magnetism in human biology and biomedicine
Superconducting hardware for Quantum Computing
Nanoscale spin transport in metals
Exploring a New Family of S = ½ Kagomé Antiferromagnets
Biophysics and artificial tissue
The superconductivity and Lifshitz transition of Sr2RuO4 under uniaxial stress - CANCELLED
Landau seminar: Highly Frustrated Quantum Magnets and Their Quantum Phase Diagrams
Navigation of Active Microbial Cells