Exams in 2024/25 will be held as a mixture of in-person and online exams. The linked sections below provide really useful advice and guidance about what you should be aware of before, during and after any exams you may have.
Exam Dates for 2024/25
Semester 1: Mon 13 to Weds 29 January 2025
Semester 2: Tues 27 May to Weds 18 June 2025
SAP: Weds 27 August to Mon 8* September 2025
*Monday 8 September reserved solely for reassessment of Language modules
Please note that:
- all dates are inclusive;
- your exams may fall on any of these dates and therefore you must be available. Exam timetables cannot be altered due to other commitments you might have;
- deadlines for arranging exam support (reasonable adjustments) for each examination period will be released at the start of each Semester.
The Four Types of Exams
Exams will be either online or in-person will take one of the following forms (your exam timetable and module specification will advise which form will be used for each exam):
In-person exam: An invigilated in-person exam (normal exam length)
"In-person exam" will appear on your timetable. The exam will be held in a central exam venue on campus. You will have a fixed amount of time to complete your exam, which will vary based on exam length. Exam hall rules will apply.
Online long-window exam: An open book long window online exam (23 hours, downloadable paper)
"Online long-window exam" will appear on your timetable. You have 23 hours to download the paper, complete your exam, and upload your answers. You should spend the recommended time on your paper but can do this at any time within the 23 hour time period given.
Online short-window exam: An open book short window online exam (normal length + 30 minutes for download/upload, downloadable paper)
"Online short-window exam" will appear on your timetable. The online short-window exam includes the allocated time for the paper, plus an additional 30 minutes to download the paper, and collate and upload your answers.
Learn Quiz type: An open book short window online exam (normal length, hosted online)
A Learn Quiz, appearing as "Quiz" on your timetable, is a short window exam which typically includes at least some multiple-choice questions and is taken entirely online through Learn. There is no need to download a paper or upload your answers, and therefore no additional time is allocated for this.
Your Exam Timetable
Exam timetables are published to Learn, under 'Exams & Assessments', and all students are emailed when it is available to view.
Make sure to familiarise yourself with your exam timetable and with any specific exam guidance provided for your modules. The timetable includes the start and final submission times planned for any online exams, including 30 minutes for download and upload.
Academic Registry produces a central timetable on behalf of all Schools and departments for exams in Semester 1, Semester 2 and the Special Assessment Period (SAP). The Examination Timetabling Policy is approved by Learning and Teaching Committee.
The Monday immediately following the Special Assessment Period is reserved only for the reassessment of Language modules.
Guiding you through your exams
Make sure to read through all of the following guides, to fully prepare you for the different types of exams which you may be sitting: