Our partners and collaborators

We are proud to collaborate with universities and organisations throughout the UK and beyond, including CLiMB Ghana.

GreggWallace.Health logo

In December 2023 we formed a partnership with GreggWallace.Health, a weight loss and lifestyle platform developed by broadcaster and entrepreneur Gregg Wallace.

The first phase of research explored the benefits of the programme, surveying 100 members to discover users’ experiences, and opportunities for future developments. The next phase will track the weight loss journey of new members to assess the effectiveness of the programme.

Research Ideas Catalogue – Knowledge & Impact (RIC-KI)

CLiMB is home to RIC-KI, a new platform for sharing collaborative research ideas in health, wellbeing and sport.

RIC-KI connects researchers across the world for open collaboration and to create motivations, networks, environments, and relationships to more readily allow scientists to collaborate. For further information or to find your next collaborative research project, please visit the RIC-KI website or follow us on Twitter @LboroRICKI