Committee vacancies

The following positions will be advertised for a term of one year, in line with the below extract from the Network’s Terms of Reference:

Committee positions are advertised to the LGBT+ Staff Network and appointed by the Chair. Committee positions are open to all membership of the LGBT+ Staff Network, including allies. Committee positions are appointed/re-appointed every two years or when a committee member leaves their role before the end of their two-year tenure. Members can only hold the same committee position for a maximum of two consecutive two-year tenures. Additional members of the committee and committee positions can be added at any time. The nomination of new committee members and/or positions, will be confirmed by the committee via a majority vote on proposal of the Chair. More than one person can be appointed to each committee position. Current committee positions can only be changed by the Chair upon the Chair’s election/re-election.

Network’s Terms of Reference

Collaborations Lead

  • Take proactive steps to build relationships and collaborations with other staff Networks across the University, the LSU LGBT+ Association, and Campus Partners.
  • Support the management of the Network’s Stonewall partnership (in our Diversity Champion role) to ensure the benefits of the scheme are used to good effect.
  • Work with active alumni and local stakeholders to facilitate opportunities to engage in events and campaigns facilitated by the Network.

Plus Lead

  • Take the lead on representing and advocating for other identities not covered by the LGBT acronym such as intersex, asexual and aromantic.

You can apply via the form linked below. If you have any questions, please get in touch.