Terms of reference
The LGBT+ Staff Network is open to any staff member at Loughborough University, Loughborough Students' Union or who works for a Loughborough University campus partner who identifies as LGBT+ or wishes to be an ally to this community (someone who aligns with and supports the LGBT+ community). The LGBT+ Staff Network also welcomes students who feel more akin to staff than students.
The LGBT+ Staff Network has monthly meetings, led by the Chair of the Network, that are open to anyone meeting the membership criteria above. Attendance at the meetings can be regular or ad hoc with no prior notice necessary for attendance. Meetings will also be added to calendars as private appointments, to ensure discretion and anonymity.
The LGBT+ Staff Network has a committee composed of the following voluntary roles:
- Chair / Co-Chair
- Trans and Non-binary Lead
- Celebration and Awareness Lead
- Events Lead
- Projects Lead
- Collaborations Lead
- London Campus Lead
- Plus Lead
- LSU LGBT+ Officer (standing position)
- HR Representative (standing position)
The Chair or Co-Chair is elected/re-elected every two years or when the Chair leaves their role before the end of their two-year tenure. The Chair can only hold this position for a maximum of two two-year tenures. The Chair must identify as LGBT+ and be elected free and fairly by the membership after presenting a manifesto (up to 500 words). The Chair role can be contested and must include at least one candidate as well as the option to reopen nominations; to ensure that if only one person applies, they are not guaranteed the role, they must be chosen.
Committee positions are advertised to the LGBT+ Staff Network and appointed by the Chair. Committee positions are open to all members of the LGBT+ Staff Network, including allies. Committee positions are appointed/re-appointed every two years or when a committee member leaves their role before the end of their two-year tenure. Committee members may hold the same position for up to two two-year tenures. After this time, committee members may re-apply for the same position or for a different position within the committee. Vacant committee positions will be posted on the network website and can be appointed at any time following agreement of the chair and committee. The nomination of new committee members and/or positions will be confirmed by the committee via a majority vote on proposal of the Chair. More than one person can be appointed to each committee position. Committee positions can be changed by proposal of the chair and agreed by a majority committee approval.
All committee position titles and defined responsibilities are intended to provide guidance and focus to committee members. Committee members will each bring their own lived experience, knowledge and expertise to the role and therefore should not be restricted by solid boundaries that hinder progress, support or collaboration. These are stated with the understanding that committee members may - where required or appropriate - work beyond their own responsibilities in order to support other committee members with activities, to collaborate in order to benefit from additional resource, expertise. This could then potentially to allow greater understanding and learning for committee members when working alongside other committee members. This flexibility would need to be self-regulated by committee members. Any disagreements or concerns would be brought to the chair / co-chairs for advised resolution.
The network will always aim to recruit a diverse committee and encourages all minoritised/marginalised individuals to consider applying for the Chair and/or committee positions. We will endeavour to appoint a committee that provides representation for different gender identities, sexual/romantic orientations, ethnicities, race, dis/abilities, nationalities, age and job families [this list is not exhaustive].
Terms of Reference
- To champion LGBT+ staff and LGBT+ issues across both the Midlands and London University campuses.
- To provide a safe and supportive forum for all staff to interact with others who identify as LGBT+.
- To provide a confidential space for LGBT+ staff to discuss personal and/or sensitive issues with another LGBT+ staff member.
- To challenge institutional barriers and LGBT+ discrimination, and work with relevant colleagues to find solutions.
- To signpost staff to internal University support and services where available and campaign for additional provision where these are not available.
- To contribute to the calendar of LGBT+ celebration and awareness events and work with the University to promote and publicise these
- To represent LGBT+ issues and advocate for change through the EDI Advisory Forum and EDI Sub-Committee.
- To work with other internal and external agencies who advocate for LGBT+ people in order to inform best practice models for Loughborough University.
Priorities for 2021-2023
- To work with colleagues across the University to facilitate a systemic and structured audit of the Loughborough University structures, processes and experience of LGBT+ staff. This should be facilitated by Loughborough University staff, in collaboration with staff from the LGBT+ Staff Network, who should engage with an external partner (e.g., Stonewall) to help support this process through a rigorous assessment method.
- Through the audit process presented in point one, identify areas that need addressing at the University to improve LGBT+ staff experiences as well as structures and processes in which LGBT+ staff engage.
- To engage the University in discussions regarding creating and publicising proactive policies for trans and non-binary staff members.
Code of conduct
The LGBT+ Staff Network meetings are intended to be non-judgemental and safer spaces for LGBT+ people. There is no expectation that you share why you have joined the LGBT+ staff mailing list, have attended an LGBT+ event or meeting. You may contribute fully or not at all at meetings, through the mailing list and/or on social media. However, all contributions and interactions at Network meetings, on social media and via emails should be respectful of other members, especially when opposing views are held. That said, there is a zero-tolerance approach for discrimination or prejudice towards another member based on minoritised/marginalised characteristics or identities (e.g., transphobia, racism, ableism, sexism etc.). Where a breach of conduct is alleged, members should follow the University’s Grievance Procedure. If you choose to actively participate in the meetings, through the mailing list and/or on social media, you must be aware that your identity and engagement with the Network will be visible to others.
Network meeting discussions and/or attendance should not be discussed or shared with members or others outside of the meeting where this information can identify a specific Network member, unless express permission is provided by the member in question.
Committee position roles and responsibilities
- Take the lead on representing and advocating for LGBT+ staff on LGBT+-related issues at the University.
- Sit on the EDI Advisory Forum and other EDI-related fora to which they are invited.
- Chair, prepare agenda and release minutes for monthly staff meetings.
- Work with LGBT+ Staff committee to help facilitate their roles.
- Manage the LGBT+ Staff committee Teams Team and the LGBT+ HR email list.
Trans, and Non-binary Lead
- Take the lead on representing and advocating for trans and non-binary staff on trans/non-binary-related issues at the University.
- Sit on the Trans and Non-binary Working Group
Celebration and Awareness Lead
- Ensure that LGBT+ celebration and awareness days/weeks/months are acknowledged either at the University level or at a Network level (e.g., via the email list or social media accounts).
- Be the primary coordinator for LGBT+ History Month and Pride month events.
Events Lead
- Take the lead on organising events under the banner of the Network, working with the committee and wider members of the community.
- Work with colleagues from other Staff Networks to facilitate co-organised events.
- Support members of the committee with high profile events and campaigns, such as the Campus Pride March and Rainbow Laces.
Projects Lead
- Take the lead on engaging in, coordinating and facilitating specific LGBT+-related projects. These include but may not be limited to: the rainbow laces campaigns, ensuring rainbow lanyards are available campus-wide, and the LGBT+ Buddy Scheme.
- Work with the Celebration and Awareness Lead to support facilitation of events/campaigns/projects in LGBT+ History Month and Pride Month.
Collaborations Lead
- Take proactive steps to build relationships and collaborations with other staff Networks across the University and the LSU LGBT+ Association.
- Manage the Network’s Stonewall partnership (in our Diversity Champion role) to ensure the benefits of the scheme are used to good effect.
- Work with active alumni to facilitate opportunities to engage in events and campaigns facilitated by the Network.
London Campus Lead
- Take the lead on ensuring the voices and issues of Loughborough London staff are heard both in monthly meetings and at higher-level University meetings.
- Engage Loughborough London staff with LGBT+ Network activities.
Plus Lead
- Take the lead on representing and advocating for other identities not covered by the LGBT acronym such as intersex, asexual and aromantic.
LSU LGBT+ Officer (not elected)
- Lead representative for Loughborough University students.
- Work with staff committee members to facilitate collaborative events, especially in LGBT+ History Month.
HR Representative (not elected)
- Take minutes and actions from monthly staff meetings and liaise with Chair.
- Support the Chair in facilitating monthly meetings (e.g., with room bookings, refreshment provision and/or calendar invites).