Question 2

Do you have data / evidence that supports your conclusion?

  • Independent sources of data/analysis have more weight
  • Reasonable belief- there is no need for an extensive research exercise
  • Remember when undertaking Positive Action you must keep a written record of the thinking, rationale and evidence that were considered.

Examples could include:

Upon reviewing data, it is evident that the proportion of UK PGR students who are black is lower than expected, based on UK population, UG population, and PGT population] Additionally, the proportion of academics who are Black British is lower than we would expect. As a result, a decision is taken to take positive action and ringfence a number of PGR Scholarships each year for Black British applicants. This initiative will be reviewed annually to ensure it is having the desired impact and that evidence to support continued positive action still exists.

The University decides to set up some focus groups with students from the University’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans student network to find out what issues these students may be facing on campus. Some trans students report problems in relation to their accommodation in halls of residence. This includes the lack of a private bathroom and toilet facilities and incidents of harassment from other students. As a result of this feedback, the University reasonably thinks that trans students have needs that are different from the needs of other students and takes various actions which are a proportionate means of meeting these different needs.

University data shows that Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic applicants are much less likely to be shortlisted when applying to Professional Services roles than white applicants are. This pattern is seen at all levels and over a number of years. In light of this evidence the University decides to implement a number of positive actions including:

  • Providing 'demystifying applications' sessions periodically to BAME applicants;
  • Providing training to interview panels regarding racial bias and how to take an anti-racist approach;
  • Reviewing recruitment processes to ensure they have an anti-racist approach embedded in them.