Principles for effective analysis

The following principles will enable the effective consideration of equality when undertaking analysis:

  • Analysis should be undertaken by those involved in and responsible for the area of activity or function being considered. Both qualitative and quantitative data is useful. It is beneficial to consult others in order to draw on a range of perspectives and engage with staff and / or students with appropriate knowledge and expertise or who will be affected by the change.
  • Highlight effective practice and what works, as well as identifying where negative impact might be experienced by different groups, for example where there might be barriers to participation in a project or event, or access to a service or learning opportunity due to a protected characteristic.
  • The assessment needs to be made objectively rather than based on assumption. Using quantitative and qualitative evidence will enable the identification of statistical trends in relation to people from protected characteristic groups, develop understanding of their experiences and needs, and where action may be required.
  • The assessment may only be relevant to one or two protected characteristic groups.  It is not necessary to find impacts that are not there – work from an evidence base.
  • Identify a timeframe for implementing any changes or actions so impact can be maximised as quickly as possible.