Helping Engineers Learn Mathematics Workbooks (HELM)
HELM (Helping Engineers Learn Mathematics) Workbooks have been developed to assist engineering students learn the mathematics and statistics that they will need at university.

There are 50 workbooks in total. They cover the basic engineering mathematics and statistics teaching for first and second year students in a typical UK undergraduate engineering course.
A significant effort has been made to ensure that the Workbooks are student focused and contain examples of engineering applications of the mathematics and statistics.
- Workbooks 1 - 34 contain mathematics material for engineering undergraduates.
- Workbooks 35 - 46 contain probability and statistics material for engineering undergraduates.
- Workbook 47 contains a miscellany of Mathematics and Physics related problems, including dimensional analysis.
- Workbook 48 contains 20 in depth Engineering Case Studies.
- Workbook 49 is a Student's Guide.
- Workbook 50 is a Tutor's Guide.
You can download the workbook you require by following the link below.
HELM 3: Equations, Inequalities and Partial Fractions
HELM 5: Functions and Modelling
HELM 6: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
HELM 8: Matrix Solution of Equations
HELM 12: Applications of Differentiation
HELM 14: Applications of Integration 1
HELM 15: Applications of Integration 2
HELM 17: Conics and Polar Coordinates
HELM 18: Functions of Several Variables
HELM 19: Differential Equations
HELM 22: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
HELM 25: Partial Differential Equations
HELM 26: Functions of a Complex Variable
HELM 28: Differential Vector Calculus
HELM 29: Integral Vector Calculus
HELM 30: Introduction to Numerical Methods
HELM 31: Numerical Methods of Approximation
HELM 32: Numerical Initial Value Problems
HELM 33: Numerical Boundary Value Problems
HELM 36: Descriptive Statistics
HELM 37: Discrete Probability Distributions
HELM 38: Continuous Probability Distributions
HELM 39: The Normal Distribution
HELM 40: Sampling Distributions and Estimation
HELM 42: Goodness of Fit and Contingency Tables
HELM 43: Regression and Correlation
HELM 45: Non-parametric Statistics
HELM 46: Reliability and Quality Control
HELM 47: Mathematics and Physics Miscellany
Some of the HELM workbooks are also available as interactive content, where you can solve the practice questions online and receive automatic feedback on your answers.
Click the button below to access the interactive HELM workbooks on learn (enrollment key: HELM2020).