LMCC's Online Training Platform

Loughborough Materials Characterisation Centre (LMCC) have developed a virtual training environment specifically to help researchers at Loughborough University. The virtual training environment has been developed to share best practice across the institution and maintain institutional knowledge regarding the collection and processing of characterisation data.
The virtual training environment allows students and researchers to refresh their understanding of each characterisation technique and follow tutorials covering data processing.
Theoretical understanding and data processing are an integral part of producing robust and reliable characterisation data and the virtual training environment ensures each researcher is not repeating this learning but building on current best practice.
In the virtual training environment, each technique is broken down into; theory; practical advice when conducting characterisation; and; tutorials for data processing.
The Learn system allows monitoring and tracking of which subjects are looked at most frequently and by which users. This allows technical staff to monitor which subjects students are struggling with and target these areas in face-to-face training sessions.