Acknowledging LMCC

The facilities within LMCC are heavily subsidised for users from Loughborough University and other academic institutions. However, it is a condition of use that the centre is acknowledged in all publications that include any data generated in the centre. Acknowledging the centre on your publications is vital to the long-term success of the centre, as your publications help us demonstrate the requirement for investment in future equipment.
Where experimental procedures are developed by LMCC staff or if they have provided significant scientific input, including interpretation of results, then the staff in question should be included as co-authors and given the opportunity to review prior to submission.
How to Acknowledge LMCC
Where the experimental procedure was developed by LMCC staff or they have provided significant scientific input, including interpretation of results, then the staff in question should be included as co-authors and given the opportunity to review prior to submission.
Where LMCC staff have provided assistance but not enough to justify a co-authorship, the following statement should be included in the acknowledgment section of the academic journal:
The authors acknowledge use of the facilities and the assistance of NAME OF LMCC STAFF MEMBER(S) in the Loughborough Materials Characterisation Centre.
If all of the work is carried out independently or one or more LMCC staff are co-authors, the following statement should be included in the acknowledgment section of the academic journal:
The authors acknowledge use of facilities within the Loughborough Materials Characterisation Centre.
Equipment Specific Requirements
If you use the P-FIB to generate data for a publication, please use this specific text in the acknowledgments.
“The authors acknowledge use of facilities within the Loughborough Materials Characterisation Centre and for access to the Helios PFIB, funded by the EPSRC grant EP/P030599/1.”
Have you had a publication accepted?
If you have had a publication accepted please send the details to LMCC. Informing us of publications allows us to publicise your success. In addition to this we can record which equipment was used to generate the data in the paper. This helps the centre build a successful business case for new equipment.