Manufacturing Education for a Sustainable Fourth Industrial Revolution (MAESTRO)
Aim of research project
The aim of this initiative is to bring together excellences in manufacturing research in order to define and deliver the new competences required by future engineers working in the context of the fourth industrial revolution. In doing so particular emphasis is given to the aspect related with a sustainable transition to the digital era.
- Identification the academic and industrial contributions that are shaping the fourth industrial revolution. Emphasis on technologies implemented in line with the objectives proposed by the UN Agenda for sustainable development
- Definition of new engineering profiles including the selected desired skills. This includes the description of specific learning outcome addressing gaps and mismatches identified in the previous phase
- Embodiment of the learning outcome in constructively aligned pilot courses that will be run at the single institution
- Implementation of the stakeholder feedback on the pilot course, validation and release of the final education units
- Definition of cooperation beyond the project to exploit the produced contribution: these includes but are not limited to joined profiles, double-degrees, students and teaching exchange.
How this feeds into the research group
This project will provide the mechanism to disseminate the research group’s results into high quality education content across leading education institutions in Europe.
Project partners
- Loughborough University
- KTH Vetenskap Och Konst
- Politechnika Rzeszowska
- Univerza v Ljubljani
- Universita Di Piza
- Politechnico Di Torino
- Universidade Nova De Lisboa
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union