Dr Isabela de Oliveira Dornelas

IAS Annual Theme: Gestation

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science

Isabela de Oliveira Dornelas is a Postdoctoral Fellow in Department III. Dornelas's research interests include reproduction, gender, technology, postcolonialism, and animal/human interaction. She holds a Master's (2016–2018) and a PhD (2018–2022) in History from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) in Brazil.

Her Master's thesis, focusing on abortion as a therapeutic resource in mid-nineteenth-century Brazil, received the Best Thesis Award from the Brazilian Society for the History of Science (SBHC 2020). In her doctoral dissertation, she addressed the empirical development of the C-section in Brazil and its relations with race and social markers. 

During their IAS Fellowship, Dr de Oliveira Dornelas is collaborating with Dr Eleanor Morgan from the School of Design and Creative Arts.