Professor Herman Potgieter
IAS Annual Theme: Water
University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Herman Potgieter is a chartered engineer and chemist from the UK’s IOM3 and RSC and a fellow of both organisations. He is also an associate fellow of IChemE.
He holds a B.Sc (Hons) degree in Chemical Engineering, a M.Sc. in Chemistry and Ph.D in Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, and has 37 years of research experience.
Herman has published widely in the field of water treatment and environmental technology, and is particularly interested in acid mine drainage treat (relevant in SA), natural organic material removal from waste water, heavy metal abatement in waste water and lime applications in water and waste water treatment.
Fellow's External Link - https://www.wits.ac.za/staff/academic-a-z-listing/p/hermanpotgieterwitsacza/