Analysis Seminars
Past events
Singular damped waves on manifolds
Presenter(s): Ruoyu Wang -
Strong and weak confinement in the Freud ensemble of random matrices
Presenter(s): Igor Krasovsky -
The pseudospectrum of an operator with Bessel-type singularities: analytical and computational persp
Presenter(s): Lyonell Boulton -
Iteration of quasiregular mappings
Presenter(s): Dan Nicks -
Heat flow regularisation, Brascamp—Lieb inequality, and convex geometry
Presenter(s): Shohei Nakamura -
Best Lipschitz constants for mapping n points onto a grid
Presenter(s): Michael Dymond -
A kinetic perspective on Fourier extension operators
Non diagonalisable hyperbolic systems and Levi conditions
Schauder estimates on products of cones
Weyl laws and closed geodesics on typical manifolds
Bulk spacings in non-Hermitian matrix models
Spectral projectors via analytic number theory
Diagonal Behaviour of the Density Matrix for Coulombic Wavefunctions
CLR type bounds for a magnetic Schrödinger operator in two dimensions
The Euclidean $\Phi^4_2$ theory as the limit of an interacting Bose gas
Spectral analysis of dissipative Maxwell systems
Boundary value problems for first-order elliptic operators with compact and noncompact boundary.
Scattering rigidity for analytic metrics
Carleman estimates on hyperbolic inverse problems
Optimal semiclassical spectral asypmtotics
Fermions and semiclassical analysis
Fifth order KdV-BBM model for unidirectional water waves
Kouichi Taira - Spectral properties and resolvent estimates for discrete Schrödinger operators
Two talks - Bäcklund transformations; The spectra of some arithmetical matrices
Benthen Zeegers - Statistical properties of random intermittent systems
Littlewood—Paley theory for curves.
Anna Kostianko: Sharp upper and lower bounds of the attractor’s dimension for the damped Euler-Bardi
Improved Lieb-Thirring type inequalities for non-selfadjoint Schroedinger operators
Mathematical Properties of Twisted Bilayer Graphene
Tristan Leger: Spectral projectors and resolvent on the hyperbolic space
Lieb–Thirring-type sums for non-self-adjoint Schrödinger operators
Dr Robert Schippa - Resolvent estimates for time-harmonic Maxwell equations
Dirk Hundertmark (KIT) - Counting bound states with maximal Fourier multipliers
Isroil Ikromov - On uniform estimates for oscillatory integrals
Jonathan Hickman - Kakeya maximal estimates via real algebraic geometry
Andrew Larkin - Quenched decay of correlations for one-dimensional random Lorenz maps
Equilibrium measures for nonlocal energies: the effect of anisotropy
Fractal Weyl bounds
Pointwise Weyl Laws for Schrodinger operators with singular potentials
Invariant subspaces of elliptic systems
Weyl laws for singular potentials
Generalised coupling conditions for flows arbitrary to the fluid-porous interface: Development, vali
A discrete Kakeya-type inequality
Kolmogorov's epsilon-entropy
Travelling helices and the vortex filament conjecture in the incompressible Euler equations
Hardy and rellich inequalities with bessel pairs