This section will keep you up-to-date with all the latest events regarding Mathematical Sciences.
Our seminars, conferences, workshops and lectures
Past events
Integrable Day at Loughborough
Axisymmetric necking in a stretched circular membrane
Presenter(s): Yibin Fu -
Discrete Lagrangian multiforms: are integrable quad equations variational?
Presenter(s): Mats Vermeeren -
Coincidence and disparity of fractal dimensions
Presenter(s): Amlan Banaji -
Where to dig for gold? Simple ‘tricks’ to help look for new universality classes
Presenter(s): Chiu Fan Lee -
On phase at a resonance in slow-fast Hamiltonian systems
Presenter(s): Yuyang Gao -
Towards Homological Mirror Symmetry for log del Pezzo surfaces
Presenter(s): Giulia Guggiati -
Decoherence, the Hormander condition and subRiemannian geometry
Presenter(s): Roman Schubert -
Prime numbers and sums of squares
Presenter(s): Fabien Clery -
Generating synthetic data for analysing multifractal Brownian signals
Presenter(s): Chris Keylock