Vacancies on Senate
There are no upcoming elections.
No vacancies
Currently there are no elections scheduled.
About Senate
The University welcomes nominations which reflect the diversity of race and nationality, religion or belief, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, age and disability across the University community.
Nominations from black, Asian and ethnic minorities are particularly encouraged as these groups are underrepresented on Senate.
The Senate is responsible for regulating and directing the academic work of the University in teaching, research and the academic aspects of enterprise. It is established within the University’s Royal Charter together with the University’s ultimate governing body, the Council. Its formal powers are set out in University Statute XIV and Ordinance IX. It has the right to comment to Council on the academic aspects of any matter of University business. As the senior academic body of the University, Senate is chaired by the Vice-Chancellor.
The membership of Senate is drawn from the academic staff (‘Research Teaching and Enterprise’, ‘Specialist and Supporting Academic’ and ‘Specialist and Supporting Academic Research’ job families) and students of the University together with the University Librarian. Each School is entitled to elect a number of its members of academic staff to serve for a term of up to 3 years on Senate. Although elected by the School, it is important to note that their role is not to represent the School on Senate but to act in the interests of the University as a whole. Members of the academic staff with probationary status, and those with a contract length of less than 3 years are eligible to be members of Senate.
Senate has approved a role description for its members.
Senate usually meets 4 times a year on a Wednesday morning and members are expected to attend an induction session and the majority of meetings.