Clara Lopez Millan

Clara Lopez Millan

As a young woman, I am inspired by other women who stand up for themselves and others, who use what influence and means they have to provide help and make our society more just, and our world a better place. As a fine artist, I see my work as a means to highlight what I think needs to be paid attention, to be noticed. That is why I took part in this project, depicting a woman who I believe could be a role model to many.

Emma Watson

As a contribution to International Women's week, I wanted to depict Emma Watson, who I consider an inspirational example of women leaving their mark in today's world. Emma Watson is not only a world-renowned actress and a public figure. Aside from her career she has fought to make her voice heard in issues such as gender equality and environmentalism, using her influence to raise awareness and act to what extent she can. In 2014 she was appointed as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, and since then she has actively helped in campaigns such as HeforShe. Watson is thus a role model to look up to, someone who has turned the influence the success her career has given her into a chance to contribute to society.

Emma Watson illustration
- Clara Lopez Millan