Felicia De Talhouet De Boisorhand

Visual Communication Specialism
This project opened me to the importance of plastic pollution and its repercussion on earth. After watching the documentary “Drowning in Plastic” and being emotionally touched, I chose to focus on plastic pollution in the oceans.
My final piece is a photography of a 3D composition. The plastic strings in water are the representation of the fishing business, most polluting industry in the ocean as they lose 1 million ton of plastic at sea every year.
The sense of depth is created by the camera focus on the middle pieces, blurring some filaments and focusing on others. The uncontrolled filaments create an organic movement in the piece. The freeness of the plastic is intensified by the asymmetric composition.
The lack of consistent focus clarity in the water adds depth to the photograph, inviting people to look more closely at the plastic filament details and drown into the gravity of plastic’s impact. The photograph captures the tension between the ocean’s beauty, filled with life and colors, and the damaging malfeasance of plastic.