Free Webinar: Supergen Supersolar - Solar Grid Connectivity

1pm-3pm (GMT)
Wednesday 10th November 2023
Virtual event, free to attend


With targets of 70 GW of installed capacity by 2035, the required rapid growth in the deployment of solar photovoltaics presents challenges and opportunities for system developers, network operators, financiers, and consumers that the research community can address.

This FREE to attend webinar provides industry insight and highlights research efforts surrounding Solar Grid Connectivity, from major solar assets to micro and mini grids, as we strive to achieve more PV generating power.

Webinar Chair

Philip Sandwell (United Nations Institute for Training and Research)

Philip works on the application and implementation of energy technologies, data analysis, impact evaluation, and financial modelling in rural development and humanitarian settings.


Alastair Buckley (University of Sheffield)

Alastair leads the Sheffield Solar research group who investigate solar photovoltaic power flows within the GB electricity networks, including national and regional real-time and historic out-turns and 7 day-ahead forecasting.

Nikki Pillinger (Roadnight Taylor)

Nikki sits on a number of DNO’s connections steering groups, Regen’s Grid Connections Working Group and Review of Electricity Market Arrangements Working Group, and the Solar Energy UK Grid Steering Group.

Pat Wheeler (University of Nottingham)

Director of the Power Electronics, Machines and Control Research Group, one of his research interests is the connection of renewable energy to the electrical utility network.

Reena Sayani (University of Sheffield)

Reena’s research encompasses energy access and rural electrification, especially in decentralized renewable mini-grids. Exploring energy system modeling and quantifying uncertainties in energy demand.

Mark Letcher (Exeter University)

Mark’s research explores how local government can develop and implement effective policies in the light of conflicting local and national priorities and constraints.

The webinar is free and open to all.

For further information and to register your place, please visit the event website.