Statute XV

The General Assembly

Updated on 12 Feb 2020


The General Assembly shall consist of all the Staff of the University.


The Vice-Chancellor shall be the Chair of the General Assembly.


There shall be at least one ordinary meeting of the General Assembly during each year.


The Academic and Academic-Related Staff members of the General Assembly shall elect members of the Senate and members of the Council as provided for under Ordinance IX.


The General Assembly may discuss and declare an opinion on any matter relating to the University, including any matter referred to it by the Council or the Senate, and may, if it so decides, submit resolutions to the Council or Senate.


The Vice-Chancellor may at any time at his/her discretion, and shall upon the requisition in writing of not fewer than twenty-five members of the General Assembly stating the purpose for which the meeting is to be called within thirty days after receiving such requisition, summon an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly.

Note: Amendments allowed by the Privy Council on 30 December 1974 and 7 April 1982 are embodied in the Statutes, and are indicated by *.

Modifications made by the University Commissioners and allowed by the Privy Council on 17 November 1992 are incorporated and are indicated by †.

Amendments allowed by the Privy Council on 14 December 1993, 24 April 1996, 3 September 1998, 10 August 1999, 27 July 2001, 31 October 2001, 8 May 2003, 20 August 2007, 9 December 2009 and 12 February 2020 are embodied in the Statutes, and are indicated by ¶, #, ∞, $, ^, +, >, ~ ,% and &.