Controlling magnetism and spin dynamics by carrier doping in van der Waals magnet Cr2Ge2Te6

  • 11 May 2022
  • 11:50-13
  • DAV028

Speaker: Prof Hide Kurebayashi (University College London)

Title: Controlling magnetism and spin dynamics by carrier doping in van der Waals magnet Cr2Ge2Te6

Abstract: Two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) materials have been intensively and extensively studied in the last two decades. A magnetic version of vdW systems has only gained attentionsince 2017 where a few mono-layers of exfoliated magnetic vdW ones were reported to sustain magnetism [1,2]. Since then, scientists started to seriously explore the physics and materials science of this new class of materials by applying their own research ideas and growth/measurement techniques. These material groups are ideal, for example, in studying magnetism and spin transport at the truly 2D limit, and in exploring how these materials can be responded by external stimuli such as current-induced torques and electric field. These experiments will also be enriched by an unlimited combination of their heterostructures that can be fabricated without significant lattice-matching constraints present in typical thin-film sample-growth techniques such as molecular beam epitaxy and sputtering. Furthermore, inherent low symmetry nature of vdW materials will offer a wealth of spin-orbit Hamiltonians that are the backbone of current-induced magnetization switching research and future technologies [3]. 

In this presentation, I will start with a brief introduction of magnetic 2D vdW materials and then move on to our work of controlling magnetism (Curie temperatures and magnetic anisotropies) in Cr2Ge2Te6 (CGT) by electric field [4] and chemical doping. Both doping techniques show the change of carrier density in CGT by orders of magnitude (from insulator to metallic). As a result, the exchange coupling strength has been greatly enhanced, leading to Curie temperature enhancement. The carrier doping also modifies the spin-orbit interaction within CGT which is measured by a significant change of the magnetic anisotropy parameters. These have been characterized by magneto-transport as well as spin dynamics techniques [5]. Furthermore, if time permits, I will also show our study of photon-magnon hybrid states between nm-thick CGT flakes and on-chip superconducting resonators.


[1] Gong et al. Nature 546 265 (2017).

[2] Huang et al., Nature 546, 270 (2017).

[3] H. Kurebayashi et al., Nat. Rev. Phys. 4, 150 (2022).

[4] Verzhbitskiy et al., Nature Electron. 3, 460 (2020).

[5] For example, for undoped CGT, Khan et al., Phys. Rev. B 100, 134437 (2019); arXiv:1903.00584.

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