Lily Draper
How did you hear about the MLSC?
I first heard about the MLSC when I came to an open day at Loughborough. The lecturer that gave the tour was so enthusiastic which made the prospect of getting help there non-daunting.
How has the MSLC supported your studies?
Honestly, I did find the course challenging when I first started university and it led me to seek support from the MLSC. I might have worried that I was seeking help with the simplest of problems, but I've never once been made to feel like I've asked a silly question. I also like to use it for a quiet study space as I find it a nice environment to work in.
How has the MLSC enhanced your learning experience?
It's a quiet, non-intimidating place in which to work and they make it easy to ask for help. I've had help for many problems over the last two years! I think having the MLSC around has meant that I spend less time dwelling on problems, meaning I have more time to focus on my other important work. It's allowed me to be a lot more efficient with my work time!
What would you say to students who haven't used the MLSC?
The MLSC is so easy to access that there really is no excuse to not ask for help! Exam time is the busiest time for the MLSC so asking when you first have an issue is the best way to learn from problems you are finding challenging. There's no judgement from the lecturers, so don't ever worry that your question is too easy or too simple. Maths isn't an easy subject so if you're choosing it, it most likely means you're going to have to work hard, but it's a diverse subject that challenges you and certainly has some very interesting parts.
What do you enjoy about being a Loughborough mathematics student?
I love Loughborough because it offers me everything that I could possibly want. I'm on a course that provides plenty of help when asked for and there are plenty of social opportunities to really enjoy yourself whilst you are studying. I enjoy maths at Loughborough because it provides me with a challenge everyday!