Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Operational Board

Terms of Reference

  • To act on behalf of EDI Committee to promote EDI throughout the University.
  • To assure EDI Committee and by extension Council and Senate of the good promotion and effective delivery of EDI objectives.
  • To report to the EDI Committee regarding EDI work and activity.
  • To work collaboratively to support and ensure delivery of the EDI core plan and by extension associated action plans.
  • To undertake proper decision-making, by promoting appropriate consultations, ensuring activities and requests are well developed.
  • To identify opportunities, challenges and barriers to the promotion and delivery of the EDI agenda at Loughborough and manage associated risks.
  • From time-to-time to establish sub-groups to act on behalf of the EDI Operational Board.
  • To develop a community of practice to support learning, knowledge transfer and consistent excellent practice.

EDI Operational Board will normally meet bi-monthly.

A quorum will be considered as half the membership plus one.