Access and Participation Sub-Committee

Terms of Reference

  1. To draft Access and Participation Plans (APP) in accordance with Office for Students (OfS) requirements for recommendation to Operations Committee and Council.
  2. To monitor progress towards the specific targets contained within the APP and support the preparation of the annual reports to OfS which will be recommended to Operations Committee, Audit Committee and Council for approval.
  3. Where appropriate, to agree exception reporting to Council.
  4. To make recommendations to Operations Committee on the investment required to deliver the targets in the APP.
  5. To monitor and evaluate the success of initiatives intended to deliver the targets in the APP.
  6. To keep under review the financial support package available to students and make recommendations to Operations Committee where changes are required.
  7. To share information and review progress with other groups (e.g. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Learning and Teaching Committee, Race Equality Action Group (REAG)) to agree responsibilities for particular issues, to minimise duplication and to share best practice).

Frequency of APSC meetings: October, December, January, March, June.