Jasmine Clements

Jasmine Clements

I’m currently taking my second year of English Literature and although I’ve not published any of it before I’ve been writing poetry since I was a teenager. I still write poetry regularly and am currently working on a collection that I hope to get published in the future.

Women's March

Just because it's harder for me to stand up
Doesn't mean I can't stand proud
When our voices come together
And shout out loud
For what we believe in.
As here we have found
A cause that unites us
With bonds that cannot be unbound
A day to celebrate achievements
and call out injustices from all year round.
Today we walk for women where yesterday we walked on water
In BUCs 40 times crowned;
and yet hey ewe still has a groping problem.
Today we are exposing things that before were frowned
Upon in the shadows into the light
Because it is our right to fight
For what we believe in

- Jasmine Clements