Obituaries news
A tribute to designer Tom Karen OBE
It is with sadness that we share the news of the passing of alumnus Dr Tom Karen OBE.
Running for Jarj: Alumni set to run from Bristol to Loughborough in memory of teammate
On 16 & 17 July 2022, a team of Loughborough ultimate frisbee alumni will be running from Keynsham in Bristol to the memorial garden at Loughborough University, raising money for Street Games UK in memory of student, Ben Pocock. The following article was written by alumna, teammate, and friend of Ben, Ruth Lead.
A tribute to Eric Robertson
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Eric Robertson who studied International Business and graduated in 2018.
Overwhelming support for the George Gandy Legacy Fund helping future Loughborough athletes
Today (8 October) marks one year since George Gandy passed away.