This creative activity offers students the chance to reflect on their education to date, how this has helped shape their future ambitions and determine the course area they wish to pursue at university. Participating students will have the opportunity to utilise the LUDUS blogs/vlogs as sources of inspiration for their own work.

Activity Overview

Achieve encourages students to draw on their own educational journeys and to identify key milestones which they believe have influenced the decisions they are making about their post 18 study and future career options. Participants are tasked with creating a blog/vlog that outlines their thoughts, the contemporary approach of the activity will result in greater engagement from your KS5 students.

The blog/vlog content will be dictated by a student’s own experiences, ensuring that all submissions offer something diverse in their content. We suggest that session facilitators consider using the submitted work with other student groups, encouraging peer to peer support and guidance.

Discover all the current blogs and vlogs.

Activity Benefits

  • Achieve encourages students to think about a new, contemporary way in which they can communicate their ideas/thoughts. It allows for flexibility and creativity which will result in a diverse range of work
  • When creating content students are encouraged to think about the impact their chosen milestone will have on their future. This enables them to draw further comparisons between curriculum learning and future careers.
  • To create compelling pieces students will need to reflect on their past and find ways to articulate their experiences in succinct but impactful ways. In doing so they will be developing their communication skills
  • The submitted work can then be used to support other students within your school/college and via peer to peer advocacy develop their understanding of a variety of topics relating to education and careers


Gatsby Benchmarks

This activity has been verified by the Careers and Enterprise Company as meeting Gatsby Benchmarks (3) Addressing the needs of every pupil (4) Linking curriculum learning to careers and (7) Encounters with Further and Higher Education