Rebecca Church

3-Dimensional Design Specialism
This project has been a real eye opener and has shown me the devastation plastics have caused on our planet. A recent study in 2019 shows that today, we produce around 368 million tons globally per year and if that doesn’t upset you enough, only around 9% of that is recycled which is truly devastating to hear.
For my outcome, I wanted to create an image that portrays the severity of this issue and hopefully inspires the viewer to do better. I started off by playing around with zoomed out scenic ‘under water’ shots that I created with differently manipulated plastics, however, the outcome wasn’t really what I was looking for. I then decided to zoom in on one of the individual pieces and I was a lot more inspired by this. The image you see can represent many things, it’s really down to how you see it. To me, it’s about how the world is currently constrained and suffocated by plastic however were slowly over coming this and the light is starting to shine through giving hope