Greetings from Linda DENNIS

INVERSION Overseas Art Studies 2022-2023:

Revolutions and Joyful Transpositions

I wish to thank Loughborough University for welcoming us ‘ON CAMPUS’ for this year’s joint program. The experience of classes held in person was made all the sweeter due to the impact of the pandemic. For the past three years, even though we worked to continue the joint program online, meeting in person is a joyous transposition.

After revolving lockdowns and pandemic related restrictions, our students developed resilience and this year they went all out in their preparations for the Inversion exhibition and opening reception. It was wonderful to see the Loughborough students with them enjoying their efforts.

For the Joshibi University’s Art and Culture students, this exhibition is a culmination of a year-long project as part of their studies aimed at nurturing young professionals who can work in international settings. In Japan-based classes, they work together as curators to organize the “Joshibi Postcard Project”, they design posters, make a call for postcard artworks (open to all Joshibi University students), organize artwork files, interview artists, and write explanatory texts about the artworks.

They then go to the UK for classes taught by Loughborough University teachers as part of their Overseas Art Studies Trip 2B subject. In these classes they interview Loughborough students about their artworks, help set up the joint postcard exhibition with artwork from Joshibi and Loughborough, and contribute to opening reception events. They do English classes, curator presentations in the gallery space, and learn about photographic documentation of artworks. After their studies in Loughborough, students go to other cities such as Cambridge and London to visit historical and cultural places and museums.

It has been my pleasure to work on this program since the first session in Feb 2016. It is always interesting and inspiring to work with Loughborough faculty to co-develop the joint classes as part of this program between Loughborough University and Joshibi University of Art and Design.

The online exhibition produced by Loughborough University in conjunction with the joint program provides a long-lasting record of the program, and every year Art and Culture students work hard to make a printed publication of their activities after they return to Japan. These are evidence of the passion felt by those involved to celebrate and commemorate our joint activities.

I wish to express my deep felt appreciation to the Loughborough faculty and students for welcoming our students and making this such an enriching experience. I look forward to cultivating our friendship further in years to come.


Professor, Concentration in Art and Culture
Joshibi University of Art and Design
Japan Based Curriculum and Project Development

UK Curriculum Co-Development