Chris Wilson is a Senior Lecturer at Loughborough Business School.
Chris’s research spans industrial organisation and behavioural economics, with particular interests in:
- consumer information
- consumer switching
- advertising
- pricing
He has published in journals such as the RAND Journal of Economics, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, and European Economic Review.
Chris has presented at numerous international conferences and several governmental departments, while also completing a number of consultancy projects.
Finally, Chris is an enthusiastic teacher, having won several University- and School-level awards. He is a Senior Fellow of the HEA and serves at the national-level as an Associate of the Economics Network. Chris has also published on some topics in teaching.
Chris’s research focusses on the following inter-related topics:
- Consumers’ information search activity
- Consumers’ switching decisions and purchasing behaviour
- Businesses’ pricing and advertising decisions
- Consumer protection policy and competition policy
- “Being in the Right Place: A Natural Field Experiment on the Causes of Position Effects and Individual Choice” (2022) with Marco Novarese and Mark Harris, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol.194, p.24-40
- “A Generalized Model of Advertised Sales” (2021) with Sandro Shelegia, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics vol.13(1), p.195-223
- “False Advertising” (2018) with Andrew Rhodes, RAND Journal of Economics, vol.49, p.348-369
- "Default Effects, Transaction Costs and Imperfect Information" (2013) with Luke Garrod and Alistair Munro, Economics Letters, vol. 119(2) p.213-215
- “Market Frictions: A Unified Model of Search and Switching Costs” (2012) European Economic Review, vol. 56(6), p.1070-1086
- “Do Consumers Switch to the Best Supplier?” (2010) with Catherine Waddams Price, Oxford Economic Papers, vol.62 p.647-668. Reprinted in “Competition and Regulation in Electricity Markets” (2016), S. Eyre and M.G. Pollitt (Eds.), Elgar
- “Ordered Search and Equilibrium Obfuscation” (2010) International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol.28 p.496-506