Fun time

Fun Time is a small group activity to develop speaking and listening skills and developing social skills, such as turn taking and waiting.

These sessions include a mixed ability range of children and the activities can develop and change over time to keep the children interested and motivated.

The ideal group size is 4 children. A child with near age-appropriate social skills will be included to act as a role model alongside others who may have difficulties. If a child is reluctant to join in or has difficulty with this size of group, they may be introduced to the session on a one to one basis with an adult or with an adult and one other child.

How you can help

It is very important that parents/carers are involved in our attempts at developing and extending speaking and listening skills; in this way you are magnifying your child's learning opportunities.

We hope by working together, learning through play and enjoyment in a structured, safe and fun session can be an excellent way for children to experience and practise their social and language skills.